Stoa works hard to ensure that financial means are not a barrier to participation in these highly beneficial exercises in the development of future leaders. As such, we are primarily volunteer-driven and use donor support to fund the infrastructure of the Stoa organization. Stoa is a 501(c)3 nonprofit. You will receive a donation receipt for your tax-deductible contribution to Stoa.
To find out more about what Stoa is doing and what you support through your donations, check out our Annual Reports.

Giving Tuesday is December 3! We need your help.
Stoa students work diligently all season long for a coveted invitation to the National Invitational Tournament of Champions (NITOC). This national tournament features Stoa's best speakers and debaters. However, attending NITOC can be cost-prohibitive for some families, with total expenses for registration, housing, transportation, and meals as high as $600 per student.
Stoa receives many requests annually for scholarships to attend NITOC. For the past two years, we have granted scholarships to as many students as possible. However, each year, we have more requests than funds available.
This year, Stoa leadership wants to ensure that even more NITOC-qualified students in financial need can attend. We will focus all of our Giving Tuesday donations on this effort. One hundred percent of your donations will go towards Stoa’s NITOC scholarship fund, making it possible for more students and families in need to attend this life-impacting event. We need your help! You can give any time between now and the end of 2024 to count toward our Giving Tuesday campaign.
Give on GivingTuesday! Make your contribution by clicking the button below:
Online distribution is handled through a secure account with Donorbox, a partner that helps us provide simple, secure, and inexpensive processing of online gifts. You can set up either recurring or one-time gifts through the payment method of your choice. Recurring gifts can be paused or edited at any time.
If you think your business, school, or organization might be interested in becoming a Stoa Sponsor or donor, please take a look at our Sponsor and Vendor opportunities. There are many ways to support Stoa students and families.
Stoa has five places you may consider when donating:
Technology Update
This campaign focuses funds to update our current tournament software and technology. We can only do this through caring supporters like you who stand with us.
NITOC Scholarship
A needs-based award that enables selected applicants to attend NITOC. These students are qualified competitors who apply for financial aid.
Support our Stoa national tournament by helping with our costs for for various expenses. Your donation makes this an excellent celebration for our families, students, and community.
Stoa Academy
Your funds help offset our costs for the facility, printed products, and hospitality items so that we can continue to make this a fun learning experience for parents, coaches, and leaders.
General Fund
This is the primary means of supporting the work of God through Stoa. We support Stoa operations, administration, planning, and staff.
If you would prefer to donate by check, simply make your check payable to “Stoa” and mail it to:
1509 K Street, #110
Modesto, CA 95354