Founders Award
The Stoa Board created an award for presentation at NITOC that recognizes the contribution of Mr. Scott York and his fellow Stoa Founders for their pioneering efforts in bringing Stoa into existence.
The Founders Award will be presented to students at NITOC who have received invitations and have competed in at least one event from each of the following five categories:
1. Interpretive Speeches
Dramatic Interp
Duo Interp
Humorous Interp
Open Interp
2. Limited Preparation Speeches
Extemporaneous Speaking
Mars Hill
3. Platform Speeches
Expository Speaking
Original Oratory
Persuasive Speaking
4. Wildcard
Slam Poetry
5. Debate
Lincoln Douglas Value Debate
Parliamentary Debate
Team Policy Debate
The Founders Award is not based on how a student performs at NITOC, but honors students competing at NITOC in the full breadth of events offered by Stoa.
The Mike Winther Award
In November 2021, Mike Winther, one of the great leaders of the Stoa community, was transferred from the Church Militant to the Church Triumphant. A man of unwavering faith, Mike served the Stoa community from its inception. In addition to serving the Debate Committee for many years, he served on the Stoa Board of Directors from 2017 to 2021 and coached the Modesto Debate club with his wife Mary for nearly 25 years. We will always remember Mike as a man of God’s Word, a man of integrity, a man of wisdom, a man of kindness, and a man of prayer.
To honor Mike’s memory, the Stoa Board of Directors, in 2022, established the Mike Winther Award. The award recognizes excellence in character as demonstrated in Student Leadership, Civic involvement, and the understanding of the Biblical role of government.
Application Process
1. Nomination: The student must be nominated by an adult (student’s parent or another parent/coach in the league) within Stoa no later than April 2, 2025.
Email your candidate nomination to: with the following information:
Graduating senior name, phone number, email address
Parent of senior’s name, phone number, email address
Nominating adult’s name, title, phone number, email address
Paragraph on why the student should be considered
Important: It is the nominating adult’s responsibility to inform the student of the nomination and advise him/her of the student requirements and deadlines.
2. Eligibility:
Must be a graduating senior in Stoa
Must demonstrate Student Leadership in mentoring or training in forensics within their club or community
3. Student Requirements:
1. A formal email from the Student to the Mike Winther Award Selection Committee,, which must include:
A brief paragraph detailing the student’s forensics involvement and stating why he or she is a qualified candidate for this award.
A 5-minute video speech on the 2025 topic: “What are the biblical foundations for good economic policy?”
Memorization is highly encouraged, but notes may be used.
2. Two Letters of Recommendation. Recommenders should email their letters directly to:
One letter should be on the student’s character. This must be from a pastoral reference and should include his/her title.
One letter must explain student leadership regarding mentoring or training in forensics within their club or community. This can be from a club parent or community member and should include his/her title.
3. Deadline for Email submission: May 1, 2025 to:
The Mike Winther Award Trophy and $1,000 prize money will be awarded at the NITOC Awards Ceremony. Along with the Stoa award, The Institute for Principle Studies (IPS) would like to offer the following to the winner of the Mike Winther Award:
A 4-to-6-week internship at the IPS headquarters in Modesto, CA. This could either be used in the calendar year in which the student wins the award or during the following calendar year and mutually agreed upon by IPS and the winning student.
Internship responsibilities may include but not limited to research, writing, reading, office help, conference and event help, project development, including helping with the Logos Forensics association and other entities. The intern would also receive training and instruction on the Biblical view of government and economics from the IPS staff.
The winning student will receive compensation for travel to and from Modesto. Housing will be supplied by IPS staff members or local IPS donors. Housing arrangements will be agreed upon by IPS and the student and his or her parents.
The Stoa Servant Heart Award
Beginning in the 2020–2021 season, the Stoa Board of Directors provided recognition to both individuals and clubs growing in their character and speaking skills through the Servant Heart Award. We hope this award will inspire all Stoa students and clubs to reach out and share their skills to “change the world for Christ.” Some ideas for serving include:
Offer free speech or debate workshops
Entertain at nursing homes
Speak at organization meetings
Visit shut-ins
Evangelize or engage in other acts of kindness within your community, city, state, nation, or the world
How can you get involved?
Identify a service opportunity you or your club can participate in that uses public speaking skills…and start serving! Then document your experience through pictures or videos.
Here is the process:
Participate in a service opportunity that uses your speaking skills.
Create a 3–5 minute video explaining whom you help, how you use the skills learned in Stoa, and the short- and long-term impact of the service. You can create a video compilation of varied clips, a single video recording, or multiple photos with voice-over. Be creative!
A fellow club leader or a club parent needs to nominate each club award participant. Any Stoa coach, parent, alumni, or fellow Stoa student can nominate an individual award participant.
The nominator must submit the Servant Heart video and include the name of the nominated individual or club, and their own name.
Each individual shown in the video must submit a video release form.
Submissions are due by March 15, and we will announce the winner(s) at NITOC.
Please submit videos and release forms to
The Stoa Executive Director and the Stoa Board will evaluate each individual or club video on the following criteria:
Positive, Christ-like impact
Use of speaking skills
Overall community outreach
At NITOC, the individual and club award recipients will receive stage recognition. The Stoa Board will also evaluate and determine overall winners selected from the monthly award recipients. Overall individual and club winners will each receive a certificate, a cash award, and a Servant Heart trophy.
We encourage you to be creative with your selection of opportunities and in your submission. Think about the impact your words and actions have on those around you and how you can use your gifts and talents to serve your community. We look forward to seeing your submissions!
If you have any questions, please contact Angela Childress at