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Community Judge Recruitment

Community Judge Recruitment is a vital part of tournament planning. Competitors need both parent and community judge feedback to grow. Having a large judge pool also helps to keep the tournament running on time. So, dedicate time to recruit community judges. Here are some ideas to help:

  1. Club Ownership: Clearly communicate that recruiting is the entire club’s responsibility. Parents and competitors must both take ownership. Start at least 4 months in advance, remind parents of the importance, and offer tools and ideas. Continually update the club on the number of registered judges and number of judges still needed. Use these email templates to get started.

  2. Recruiting Contest: Hold a club contest with cash prizes for the family who recruits the most judges. Offer substantial cash prizes: 1st place $125; 2nd place $75; 3rd place $50.

  3. Flyer: Create a flyer, both print and electronic form. Club members may distribute to co-ops, church, work, neighbors, friends, and family. Start with this template.

  4. Toastmasters: This international public speaking organization has local clubs throughout the US. Contact one in your area and ask to come speak. Bring along a senior speaker or alum to give a 5-minute example speech, perhaps a persuasive on why to come judge!

  5. City Council: Invite the council members to be on a final judging panel!

  6. Employers: Ask all host club parents to post information at their places of employment. Often companies require community service from employees, and this fits the bill!

  7. Local Colleges: Contact the forensic coach or communications department chair at local colleges. Ask for students or professors to volunteer. Some professors offer their students extra credit for judging.

  8. Church: All club families should invite pastors and church members.

  9. Homeschool Group Lists: Send an email invitation to all homeschool groups in the area. It’s a great way for new families to experience Stoa!

  10. Previous Community Judges: Keep track of all community judge email addresses to contact them the following year.

  11. Presentation: Use this Powerpoint presentation to give groups an overview of Stoa.

Want to find out more tips for your tournament? As a Stoa member, just click the button below for access to our Tournament in a Box.


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