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Esther Wickham

Esther Wickham competed with Dikaios in San Bernardino, California. As the youngest of six kids, she was exposed to speech and debate from a young age through her older siblings. Her favorite events were Duo and Parliamentary Debate. She loved the creativity that Duo provided and the quick-paced critical thinking skills Parli taught.

Esther is currently attending The King’s College in New York City, majoring in Journalism, Culture, and Society with a Pre-Law minor. After college, she hopes to work as a political journalist or attend law school and work in criminal justice.

Esther credits Stoa with fueling her love for community, politics, and writing. “A lot of things from speech and debate have influenced my education and career goals. If I weren’t a part of Stoa, I probably would have never heard of The King’s College. But the biggest thing I have learned is loving God and others well while living your life for the Kingdom and following God’s will, whatever that looks like.”

Read more about Esther here.


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