Our committee started as Fundraising, but Advancement and Partnerships better define our committee’s objectives in advancing the Stoa mission through partnerships with donors, vendors, sponsors, members, and the community. Chaired by Stephanie Dropping, our committee members, Kayleen Kausrud, Lorraine Mink, and Beth Nieva, work together in the following duties:
Sponsors: Our StoaByte and the website contain the logos of our sponsors. Stoa ad emails and featured videos can also be found on our YouTube channel and website.
The A and P Committee, along with the Executive Director, work year-round with these sponsors and potential sponsors to support Stoa and share these fine institutions and businesses with you.
Vendor Fair: The NITOC vendor fair provides opportunities for universities, colleges, and businesses to interact with our families. Do not miss the vendor fair. Chat with admissions counselors and explore business products, services, and opportunities.
Fundraising: Fundraising comes in many stripes. Here are just a few channels that we use to support Stoa: the Silent Auction at NITOC, The Market at NITOC, our Christmas store on Zazzle, Giving Tuesday, Faithful Friends (monthly donations), and project-driven campaigns.
Member Benefits: We work with corporations to bring discounts to our member families. One popular member benefit is the Office Depot and Staples discount programs. We also work with the Kroger and Fred Meyer family of supermarkets and earn donations from our members' shopping. If you have an idea for a member benefit, please contact us at investinstoa@stoausa.org.