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September 2024

Letter from the Committee


“Ready or not, here I come!” If you have heard this phrase once, you have heard it a thousand times. Hearkening back to childhood games of hide and seek, these words announced the thrilling final seconds before your skills at concealment were put to the test. Rather less thrilling, can you remember waves of absolute relief when a parent found you after you lost sight of them in a busy crowd?

In the sight of our Father, nothing is lost. Throughout Scripture, believers are called to seek the Lord. When we seek Him, He promises that we will find Him.

Proverbs 8:17: “I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently find me.”

This is a beautiful promise! Yet, the word “diligently” might dampen the truth with worry. Even in the best of times, we will always seek Him imperfectly. However, the Lord will always seek us perfectly. We are only able to seek Him because He empowers us to do so by His own loving pursuit. As 2 Timothy 2:13 reminds us, “Even when we are faithless, He is faithful.” He longs for our hearts to be in intimate relationship with Him.

When our eyes are on life’s complexity, it can feel like we are being led down a bumpy path with a sometimes-visible “carrot” of guidance dangling in front of us, ever moving just beyond reach. In the moments when our future looks murky, rocky or pitch black, may we be comforted in knowing this is not the heart or nature of a God actively seeking out His children. He makes Himself known through Scripture (thousands of years in the making), wise and godly counsel from others around us, and a plethora of other means available to an infinite and loving God. When we seek Him, we will find Him. He is walking beside us, living within us, setting our feet on solid ground, and teaching us to faithfully lean into our weakness in order to experience the riches of His strength.

This month, our prayer is that the Lord awes you with His faithful and grace-filled response as you seek Him. Imperfect as our actions are, may we eagerly seek our heavenly Father and continue drawing closer to His heart.

Your Stoa Alumni Committee,

Samuel Durand (AR), Nicole Kaiser (MT), Alyssa Sloneker (AR), Denise Sprimont-Vasquez (VA), Elizabeth Stapleton (OK), and David Vasquez (VA)

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