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Stoa Moves Eastward

Updated: Mar 27, 2023

Stoa club development was a grassroots effort that moved eastward across the country. In 2009, with California as our Stoa initiator, we quickly expanded into New Mexico, Washington, and Colorado. Some clubs had only one family while others had many. By the 2010-2011 season, Stoa had families registered in 33 states as far east as Maryland. We were rapidly expanding across the nation with 1,673 families registered.

NITOC was growing too. In 2010, 354 students registered for competition but that number jumped to 598 by NITOC 2012! Stoa was transforming from being known only as a national tournament to developing as a national league.

As we come together across the nation at tournaments and in clubs, we remember the dedication and involvement of those early Stoa pioneers. Praise be to God for this gift we each enjoy!

Stoa Fun Fact: Scott York reported one lady, having no students left in her household, registered her cat to show support for Stoa!


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