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Showcase your tournament with a 60-second video reel on Stoa’s social media! Your students will love it, and you’ll help Stoa reach new members.

We make it easy. Just send us clips. We’ll produce the video and share it.

Step 1 - Tournament Director: Must approve and appoint a staff member to manage.

Step 2 - Post Model Release: All tournament participants must be informed that images will be used for Stoa marketing. Post a model release on the tournament website, in Flowpad registration, or send it to registrants via email. Participants may opt-out. 

Step 3 - Capture: Capture pictures and videos during the tournament. The Tournament Story will be approximately 90 seconds long.


Step 4 - Upload to Google Drive

  • Email the Tournament Story Team to get the link to a Google Drive folder where you can upload your photos and videos.

  • Upload within one week of the tournament.

  • Do not include images of students who opted out.

  • Copy the Tournament Director to confirm their approval.


Questions? We are here to help! Email your questions to the Tournament Stories Team.

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